Enjoy reproductive wellness and empowerment with the Creighton Model FerilityCare System
You don't need chemicals, machines, implants, or insurance to
Learn the language of your body
How do I get started?
It's easy! Contact us to get scheduled for the next available Introductory Session.
The Introductory Session is the first step in starting the Creighton Model System, and is required before starting any Creighton follow-up appointments. Sometimes Introductory Sessions may be presented for a group.
However, all follow-up appointments are conducted privately, one woman or couple at a time.
If you decide you want to be empowered with the Creighton Model System, you can schedule your first follow up appointment after the Introductory Session, and once your first follow-up session is scheduled, you can get your materials packet, including your own Creighton chart and stamps, and start charting the very next day!
The Introductory Session is an overview of the system; the follow-ups are where the nitty-gritty learning takes place and are absolutely essential to learning the system. The Creighton Model System is a system that is meant to be taught. While we all love educational podcasts and online videos, this is not a DIY project that can be properly learned without teaching from your FertilityCare Practitioner. But once you have the system down,
you have these skills and this powerful knowledge for life!
Contact to schedule your Creighton Model Introductory Session: monica@fcpalouse.com
Creighton Model FertilityCare Services
Fee Schedule
Intro Sessions
60 - 90 min.
Required before starting any Creighton follow up appointments
60 - 90 min
includes manual, first chart & sticker pack, all forms for complete instruction
Additional Charts
Needed about every 6 months $5
New stamp packs $5
Single sheet stamps $1

Follow-Up Schedule
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Follow-Ups
Every 2 weeks
5th Follow-Up
1 month after 4th Follow-Up
6th, 7th, 8th Follow-Ups
Every 3 months, starting 3 months after the 5th Follow-Up
*The schedule for individual clients may need to be adapted to best serve client's needs, depending on situation
*The full Creighton Model System is typically completely learned within one year, but is implemented beginning at the very first session, and typically there is enough charting by after 5th Follow-Up for a NaPro evaluation if needed.
Creighton follow-ups are for learning how to do the observations, chart them, and implement system instructions according to your intent for use of the system. Creighton follow-ups are not medical appointments.​
FertilityCare & NaProTECHNOLOGY
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System involves learning about your fertility cycle and the signs your body gives of the natural changes throughout this cycle. Couples can then use this information to either achieve or avoid pregnancy and to monitor gynecological health. Women can use this information to monitor gynecological health & deal with any underlying issues.
NaPro TECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology) is a new women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate, rather than control and manipulate, the reproductive system. ​

Family Planning
​Whether you are trying to achieve or avoid a pregnancy, we can help you understand and track your fertility cycle to fit your needs.
Infertility is a difficult journey. We offer the Creighton Model System as an independent tool for achieving pregnancy as well as the foundation to NaPro Technology, an alternative to standard artificial reproductive technologies.
Supporting Reproductive Health
Our fertility is an integral part of who we are as women and affects so much of how we feel each day. Whether you are a teen having irregular cycles, navigating those peri-menopausal years, or anything in between, we can help.